Life Lessons
Only In New York
This will inaugurate a new type of blog post titled “Only in New York” that I will share with my readers on occasion. I know that the kinds of incidents I will write about can and do happen elsewhere, but to me New York with its diverse population is a microcosm of the world, so…
Read MoreFamily Trumps Possessions Any Day
Dear Readers: My apologies for a tardy post. Life and medical issues have gotten in the way. This article first appeared in LifeZette on October, 5th, 2016. Many of you might not have read it. A proud daughter recalls a father’s hard-won example by Annette Libeskind Berkovits | 05 Oct 2016 at 5:48 AM While…
Read MoreIs it a mistake to equate Hanukkah and Christmas?
Let’s get something straight from the get go: Hanukkah and Christmas have only three things in common. A. They both occur at times of the year when it gets dark early. B. They both involve light and C. They both fall on the 25th of a month. That’s it. Period. Everything else is an American…
Read MoreWhat This Vision in Purple Will Make You Realize About Assumptions
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” ― Plato “Florida: Where Old People Go To Die” Long before I retired I heard one of my work colleagues say, “I’d never retire in Florida. It’s where old geezers go to die.” Whenever I overheard some version of this sentiment a vague feeling…
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